Animal kingdom - human incursion?

Recent news about stray (street) dogs fatally attacking 2 children in separate incidents has suddenly caused the government officials to sit up and start doing something about the "menace". We have stray animals to tackle on our roads today to add to the woes of road conditions & traffic. Stray dogs chasing 2 wheeler riders in the night & attacking pedestrians is very common. Isn't "Dog is a man's best friend?"

We take pride in the development, with cities outgrowing themselves, people trying hard to acquire land & property and have all the creature comforts. However, we also take the land & space for granted. We claim stake to land where animals lived amicably, and then blame them as nuisance. Would we appreciate it if somebody were to intrude into our space and call us a nuisance? Certainly not!

So, the next time you pick up a stone or stick to hit a dog, or curse a stray animal on the road, remember, these animals may not have come your way if you hadn't encroached on their space. We fed the stray dogs with the leftovers, making them come back for more, and then we blame them for mishaps. It was us who built cities around their home, it is us who should learn to live with it, or give the animals their space... back.


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